Grand Turkmen Hotel i Ashgabat

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Azadi St, 744000, Ashgabat, TM Turkmenistán
Kontakter telefon: +993 12 92-05-55
Latitude: 37.9401992, Longitude: 58.3777802
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Kommentar 5

  • Ronald Randall

    Ronald Randall


    Soviet hotel, beds too firm, slightly rundown decor in rooms and halls. Must put used toilet paper in open wastepaper basket. Reception staff courteous with passable English. Good air conditioning and shower. Not so good breakfast, instant coffee.

  • Israa H.

    Israa H.


    Quite bad decorations and food was really not up to par but super location. Very central and the staff is really nice and helpful...

  • Виктория Глушкова

    Виктория Глушкова


    Отель расположен в зелёной зоне старого города. Вокруг очень красиво, рядом базар, магазин текстиля, шикарная аллея с фантанами.

  • Yuen Kim

    Yuen Kim


    I stayed here two nights. I tried to stay other cheap hotel but failed. There is very few lodging in Ashgabat where are allowed to take foreigners. In Ashgabat, all hotel prices reflect this unsweetened fact. I am not sure more than 100 bucks per a night would be worthwhile. The humble breakfast is not included in the room. I just ate it the first morning, and didn't it next. I didn't have any other alternative place to beat this great location. Don't expect its competitors could be better. This hotel was originally built as a chain name of 'Sheraton' in 1995. So, someone still call it as it was. The rooms are neat, and the bathroom is bit worn but also clean. Don't be deceived a "Grand" exterior to the building with five stars plate. It just has a best location with a nice balcony but not extraordinary. That's all.

  • Jo Furlong

    Jo Furlong


    Nice hotel with good service. Has seen better days, but clean and comfortable. Good location near the Russian Bazaar.

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