Ashgabat International Airport i Ashgabat

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Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
Kontakter telefon: +993
Latitude: 37.9845133, Longitude: 58.3665111
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Kommentar 5

  • Merdan Akyjanow

    Merdan Akyjanow


    The world's best Airport.

  • Magic Magician

    Magic Magician


    Was at the old apt 9 y ago, surpised by new terminal. Shop at duty free. Have a beer at the friendly barman bar. Spacious and airy halls. Super clean and beautiful in its Turkmen design. Will be back 100%. No pics so far but check it out guys that worths.

  • Gunasegeran Sellappan

    Gunasegeran Sellappan


    Airport shaped like a bird. Very impressive.

  • James Castle

    James Castle


    Very modern airport. International departure area with souvenir shop, alcohol tobacco shop and Cafeteria.

  • George Benaroya

    George Benaroya


    Brand new. To earn 5 stars, it needs to 1) make wifi available without requesting a passport to get the code 2) either keep the state of the art passport control process (including iris check) or get rid of the immigration officers. To do it twice is not clever, either or

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